© Catherine Esera All rights reserved.

Regency Gown & Over Dress

This 1940’s day dress and jacket was designed by Angela Balogh-Calin for Jessie Mae Watts in South Coast Repertory’s 2011 production of “A Trip to Bountiful” by Horton Foote.

I got to work on the custom pattern working from Angela’s rendering and my notes from our discussion. The dress is made of red silk and off white polka dots. I love the contrast lapels and cuffs on the jacket with accent buttons to top off this great vintage look.

THE TRIP TO BOUNTIFUL by Horton Foote. Directed by Martin Benson. Feisty widow Carrie Watts is determined to return home—come hell or high water. Travel with her in this life-affirming play by one of America's most beloved writers. The cast: Lynn Milgrim (Carrie Watts), Daniel Reichert (Ludie Watts), Jennifer Lyon (Jessie Mae Watts), Tom Shelton (First ticket agent), Lily Holleman (Thelma), Mark Coyan (Second ticket agent), Hal Landon Jr. (Sheriff), Sam Carter, Sharyn Case, Debbie Fry, Greg Ungar (ensemble). Segerstrom Stage, Oct. 21-Nov. 20, 2011.

Pictured: Jennifer Lyon
Photo: Henry DiRocco for South Coast Repertory. Used with permission.

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